The following picture is worth approximately $1,400.80 ... One Thousand, Four Hundred dollars and eighty cents in FREE groceries!! In the course of three months I purchased 1030 Schick Slim Twin Razor Two packs ($0.64), for each I redeemed a coupon for $2, thus I saved $1.36 for every razor I bought. Go ahead, read that again! ;)
I had to buy a chest freezer, my pantry is jam packed, and I'll NEVER need to buy another razor EVER again! :P
I always held my breath hoping the baskets were full, I carefully chose my cashier, I had my copy of the DECA Directive at the ready, and I argued with a dozen cashiers and managers and always won the fight... Shopping WILL never be the same.
Thank you Schick, from the bottom of my full chest freezer, Thank You!
P.S. I'll take a picture of my stash of Ky later!! ;)
seriously? oh my gosh!!!!
Woot Woot! Give it up for Schick!!
hmm, children swimming in razors.........i've seen it all.
Lea, how the hell did you get that many coupons?!?
::tapping foot:: Nice, wherever did you learn that such things were possible?
I'm only jealous because while I KNOW all the ins and outs of overage shopping, I have a crappy comm and can rarely participate.
Good job. Why didn't you share on the mama board? I had to stalk you via the baby announcement at Kelipso's blog. :P
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