Friday, December 4, 2009

Sometimes the best ideas are STOLEN.

Months ago I decided I'd steal my bestie's Deployment Countdown craft idea... She stole it from NoTimeForFlashCards although it seems the original post is gone. Of course I think mine is by far the cutest rendition, but I'm sure you could have guessed that!

Daddy is underway for deployment. To help the girls understand the length of time I adapted Kelsey's version and made it all our own.

This is now hung on our sliding glass door.

Here Gogo holds our sea creatures awaiting placement (from Wallyworld). Please note her amazing sense of style.

Every night the girls will place a certain amount of sea creatures onto our ocean scene. When the container is empty daddy will be home!

For OPSEC reasons my complicated formula for daily placed sea creatures will not be revealed, and can not be understood simply by looking at the picture. Certain sea creatures amount for different day amounts, color also plays a part. The very placement of the sea creatures makes breaking the code extremely hard :D


Monday, November 30, 2009

Holiday Mail for Heros

Show your support! Send an American Hero a Christmas card!

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Story of The Ring

It was late 1996, or early 1997... My mom had recently divorced my step dad, and we moved into the condos with Bright Blue Doors. I remember when we toured the model home, I crossed my fingers that we wouldn't get the place... The blue doors could be seen for miles and miles, and it didn't help that these condos were atop a hill overlooking the newly expanding city of Corona.

I remember embarrassingly explaining to friends where we now lived... "Yea, we moved into a Condo, the ones on the know the ones with blue doors..."

"Oh, those ones!"

In my teenage mind I hated the Condominium manager, I imagined that he had a budget to paint the doors... found a huge surplus of clearance paint at Home Depot, and used the remaining monies at Angels on the OTHER side of the railroad track. Thanks buddy, for making my teenagehood all that more miserable!

The Ring.

So one bored night, one of many I must say... My brother, Ryan and I ventured down to the lower half of our Blue Door community to use the work out room. I'm pretty sure my intent wasn't about working out, but rather I hoped I'd meet some kids my age. I went to school 20 miles away, so I didn't have any friends around.

After a few minutes of attempting to use the machinery, disappointed that it wasn't swarmed with cute boys, I looked down and just happened to find a ring on the floor. There was no one else there, and I knew I couldn't trust the next person to return it.

When we got home I told my mom what I had found, she immediately told me to take it to the management office.

Yeah riiiiiiiight...
Obviously my mom didn't know how the world works... Why would I take this ring to the the stupid clearance blue paint guy could take it home? He'd probably pawn it for $25 and spend it at aforementioned Angels, on the WRONG side of the tracks.

So, I did what I thought was best... I made a sign, something like... "Have you lost a piece of jewelry? Call 909-555-5555 to identify" A few days later, I remember distinctly my mom asking if I had in fact given the ring to the management office, I lied and told her I had.

I honestly believed I needed to get it back to its owner myself, I didn't trust anyone else. Besides, looking back... I probably was hoping that this girl would call, be so thankful I had found her ring and returned it and we'd end up best friends.

No one ever called.

This ring HAD to get back to its owner, it wasn't just a ring, it was a CLASS RING. 10 kt Gold, light blue gem, six small diamonds... 1997, Centennial High, engraved with "Stacie Sxxxxxx. My search began...

I had searched a million times,,,,,, etc. etc. etc. I made a faux profile on Classmates, one for a school I hadn't gone to. I was desperate to return the ring. I joined the Myspace group for her school, I even tracked down people that had known her... I considered contacting the school but I never got very far, until today.

It took more than ten years, but today I found the ring's owner.

I found her on Facebook...but only after getting an alert that she had joined I couldn't contact her via Classmates without joining and paying some crazy fee to do so. But I did have a new piece of the puzzle...her married name. Instantly I punched it in Facebook, no luck... I tried Myspace... No luck... Then I did a general search on Google. HIT. She hyphenated her name... I found her AND a link to her Facebook. I immediately sent her a message, to make sure she was the right "Stacie S."

Stacie responded, she did in fact attend Centennial High in Corona, California... Class of 1997...

I've probably spent a collective 20 hours searching for her in the past ten years. The ring went with me when I moved to Los Angeles, and then here to Hawaii.

Its got one more move to make...back to its owner, after so many years...

P.S. Mom, are you mad?

UPDATE: The Ring is enroute to Nebraska as of 10/27/09. Too cool...

Friday, October 16, 2009

An act of desperation...

Or SHEER Genius!?

You decide!

Mr. Coffee Maker $15.00 (Black Friday Score)

Folger's French Roast $8.67 (Free after Coupons)

Slip, fall CRASH... Broken Carafe $9.00 (Replacement from Wally World)

Making coffee against all odds?? Priceless...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Operation Popps Continues!

And the beat goes on...

Check out for all the latest! We've got updates on the family, pictures, and details on the Blood Drive to be held in celebration of baby Christian's amazing recovery!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


I've been soooooo busy and soooo much has happened!

Standby, lemme get to work!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

OPERATION <3 Popps **Updated!!**

The Entire Popp Family has been reunited! Baby Christian is recovering beautifully from his surgery, and his big brothers couldn't be happier with the new addition!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love, support and prayers.


Orginal Post:

Since our start in 2004, HMW ( has come together several times, to help one of our own.
That time has come once again...
If you're willing and able we need your help!

Curtis and Kelsey Popp welcomed a beautiful baby Boy, Christian Kenneth Popp on August 23rd, at 6:31am at Castle Medical Center in Kailua, Hawaii. He weighed 7lbs. 13oz. and 19 inches long. After a rushed and complicated delivery mom and baby were separated just minutes after being born.

Just hours later Christian was diagnosed with a congenital heart failure, and will need to be life flighted to Children's Hospital San Diego. Curtis and Kelsey will not be permitted to accompany their son on his first plane ride, at just six days old. They will both take a commercial flight to San Diego where they've been told to expect may be a 6 week stay.

In addition to his loving parents, Christian has two brothers Conner (4yrs), and Cohen (2yrs) and his infant cousin Ethan (6mo). Ethan's father is a hero at work in Afganistan and will remain in the Popps care until his father's return to the US. Conner, Cohen, and Ethan will remain here in Hawaii with their proud Grandpa Jay Kenneth, with whom Christian is named after.

The Popps are hoping to reunite the entire family in San Diego, after Christian is deemed stable following his much needed open heart surgery.

Upon their arrival Curtis and Kelsey will take residence at the brand new Ronald McDonald House.

Once the entire Popp family makes it to San Diego new accomidations will be needed, as only four, including baby Christian can be housed at the RM House.

Here's how you can help

-Donate good ol' greens via PayPal :


-Donate Gift Cards/Cash! Check your stash, or purchase new ones.

Mail to: Edited

Pray! Pray! Pray!! Prayer is PRICELESS!!

Keep baby Christian and his entire family in your hearts and prayers, ask your friends, family, and church contacts to also pray

Donate funds that are directly helping The Popp family and so many others!

Thank you from ALL of HMW and the Popp Family and Friends!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

"Wooooooooo saaaaaaaaaaH"

You know to be perfectly honest my day to day life is pretty extraordinary, repetitive yes, boring no!

After being victim to a nasty bout of viral gastroenteritis, sick for a week, even a visit to the Tripler Day Spa (read ER) I have a new lease on life! I feel redeemed from being burnt out by all of my Day to Day Operations, a hidden blessing you could say!

I awoke with three children in my bed, I have no idea how they got there, I personally put them in their own beds last night. You never know how small a queen sized bed is until you share it with three little people...especially ones that have a deep seeded hankering to sleep as close to you, preferably on you with occassional kicking and flaling about.

After three failed attempts to beseech them back to La La Land (One of my FAVORITE vacation spots) I grimly made my way into the bathroom, before I have had a chance to fully wake up the demands start...

"Mama I want chocket melk!!"
"Mama what we dunnin today?"
"Mama, my daddy home?"
"Mama, I thought you makin' me chocket melk!!??"

Begging for just a moment of peace I throw my contacts in my eyes, sorrowfully glancing at what could be a glorious hot shower and head towards the kitchen. Its happened again... ghosts, robbers, geckos, or Hawaiian Menehune have once again stolen into my house, into my kitchen and left it a disaster! OK, that's not the truth, but it feels like it! Its takes 2.5 seconds for my clean, organized kitchen to turn into complete chaos. Its all that damn "chocket melk" orders I fill!! The fun stuff is when the "chocket melk" cups don't make it to the sink before they start a curdled milk nightmare!

So the "chocket milk" orders have been filled, the dogs have been let out, fed, watered, the trash has been taken out, and cartoons are ON. Time to get my bearings, today's going to be a big day! We've made plans with our Le Popps!

The plan is:
  1. Story Time at the Salt Lake Library @10:30am.
  2. Layover at Pass & Id (Mrs. Le Popp needs new base stickers...expired much!!!??)
  3. Picnic lunch at "The Blue Park" near Scott Pool on Pearl Harbor.
  4. Makalapa Clinic for Rx pick up.
  5. Quick stop at Le Popp residence to drop off a.) Carpet Cleaner b.)Dumpster Dived Excersaucer.
  6. Return to Kapolei for rest and relaxation (read Laundry and Dishes galore!)

But alas, I said extraordinary!

Minutes before we leave the house to begin our adventures I receive a call from Mrs. Le Popp whom informs me that Popplet #1 is feeling much so that he's asking for medicine and declines all previously planned festivities... I'm immediately mentally assaulted of visions of my aforementioned sickness. Time to re plan:

I decide to forget Story Time and instead knock off a few "To Dews" I've got.

So we head out the door, in search of the nearest Sprint Store. My poor Black Berry roller ball is ready to jump ship, and the previously spilled orange juice just isn't holding it together anymore! To my great dismay we walk into the Sprint Store only to find its completely overrun with people. Apparently people in the real world get today off, must be nice!

After waiting 20 minutes to "Check In" I'm told I can leave my phone and return in an hour. Feeling optimistic about our day I cheerfully head to the nearest Ben Franklin's. A quick Craft shopping trip to fill an hour, then off to the park...or so I thought!

As soon as we pull into a parking stall Jordan announces she needs to use the restroom, I think I growled... I know beyond a shadow of a doubt Ben Franklin's doesn't have a public restroom, so I ask where the nearest one is...

"Chuck E Cheese or Mc Donalds"

Seriously? Why not freakin' Disney Land!! I took the obvious choice and led my three ducklings down the street, up a flight of stairs to Mc Donalds. My "chocket melk" lover enthusiastically points out the Play Place just as I see a sign "Restrooms closed for Repairs". I reroute my brood back in the direction to Ben Franklin's with no other option but Chuck E Cheese. In my head I practice my opening lines to the expected door attendants...

'Hi, can we use the restroom... No, we're not paying customers... '

'Hi, GREAT shirt...can my kid use the restroom?'

Swallowing my pride and embarrassment I say nothing to the door attendant who's only care in the world is to stamp my hand with a black light specific hand stamp... (Great, no chance of ditchin' my kids here for a kidless craft shopping trip!) We head off past the flashing, noisy games, my poor kids drooling... After we all ceremoniously wash our hands and make our way to the exit doors I again start preparing my monologue...

'We're leaving now, we're fast huh!'

'HA We got you, we just peed for FREE!!'

I settled on mumbling something about our friend not being there... they didn't even check to see if my black light specific hand stamped matched that of the three kidlets on my heel... Oh well, guess I'll take them home, kinda cute anyways I suppose! ;)

We spent a horrific 45 minutes in Ben Franklin's where I somehow managed to pick out seed beads and pinwheels without breaking the whole store... We head back to Sprint, pick up my fixed Black Berry and head towards the Le Popps to make our delivery!

Once at Le Popp Res we learn that Popplet #1 is feeling MUCH better and ready to play! I unload my gang and head into the house... Ooooooohhh Aaaaahhhh, Air Conditioning! FREE Air Conditioning... I could stay there all day! And we did! The kids played (read playfoughtplayfought) and I covertly ate an entire box of Crunch n Munch, my drug of choice!

At 6pm Mrs. Le Popp and I decide to head towards Waikele Outlets in search of some fabulous July 4th Sales. We started at Oshkosh, put our finds on "hold", headed over to Carter's, back to Oshkosh, and up to The Children's Place.

Its there that I wanted to run for the hills! There was 1/2 dozen "$2.99" clothing racks that needed my attention, but six kidlets and two mama bears leaves lots of room for monkeying around! It still amazes me that the proper authorities weren't alerted! Of two things I'm sure of... Everyone in that store thinks we're horrible moms for letting our precious children run a muck, if they don't already have children they swore they'd never purposely have any(more)!

We left with four HUGE bags of clothes...and our tails between our legs.

My life is nothing short of an adventure! Lions, Tigers and Bears I've not got... but three monkeys with a passion to drive their mama batty I have!!!!

"Wooooooooo saaaaaaaaaaH"

Friday, June 19, 2009

My Joh, a year old...

Its been a year since God above blessed me with a beautiful baby boy... I never thought I'd get the honor to mother a boy baby, and I'm madly in love!

Just for fun...

Kelz took an awesome picture of Joh sitting in her small garden infront of her house. We both agreed he looked like the perfect garden gnome with a bit of tweaking of course! ;)

By the way... Josiah is nicknamed "Joey" but I almostly immediately changed it to "Johey" to honor Kelsey Joh. She attended his birth, dispite my foul language and rude demands!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my baby boy!!

Lets add a stolen hat from some unsuspecting picture uploader... Nice knitting! Hid the hair blowing in the wind with foliage !!
A gnome isn't a gnome with out a beard!! Some more internet theivery and fancy Paint mastery!
Oh dear, receeding beardness...lets fix that!!
Fixed the beard!
Lets bring that cute face back out here!!
Brillant!! Another great plug for the awesomeness that is!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

I just bought a house for $32!

I'm one heck of a bargain shopper huh!!! :P

($32 out of pocket, 30 years worth of mortgage payments) Contact me for the BEST realtor on Oahu!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Lord is My Strength...

Dh has been gone for just over a month and I'm settled into a great routine which isn't to say I'm not very vigilant about our safety while at home. At night I double check all the locks, set my alarm and sleep with my phone at arms reach.

My ultimate fear has been being woke up by my the alarm and being terrified and unable to move to protect my three young children... and last night it happened...

I awoke to the sound of my house alarm blaring. It took me a second to realize it wasn't a wake up alarm, or a fire alarm. Someone had opened a window or a door and was in my house. It felt like slow motion.

I immediately thought of my dogs, and realized they had not forewarned me... maybe I slept through that.

I jumped up not knowing what to do... do I call 911? Do I call the alarm company?

My alarm once went off but instantaneously my phone rang with the Alarm Company to verify all was well. I got no such call.

I rubbed my eyes, desperate for my contacts to moisten so I could see. Then Jocelyn came to my side awoken and scared by the noise. This reminded me that I had three little people to protect... I sent her back to her room, and started down the hall way.

I was desperate to hear anything, foot steps, growling, but more than anything a door opening and a scared bad guy retreating... Nothing. I grabbed a screwdriver left on the banister. I had put the crib together and thankfully hadn't cleaned up after myself...

As I took the first steps I dialed the alarm company, someone, anyone should probably be listening in... Before I hit the middle landing a comforting voice told me that it was a system malfunction. Still gripping the screwdriver with all my might I disarmed the alarm and reset it.

This all happened in 45 seconds or felt like a life time. I was scared out of my mind but I was ready to kill anyone attempting to hurt my children...

I made my way back upstairs to comfort Johey who had woke up and was crying... I sat to rock and nurse him and the tears started to come.

My biggest fear had come and gone. I was still shaking from the adrenaline, my heart beat so fast I could hear it...but overall I was proud of myself. I didn't lay in bed scared to move, I didn't cower into a closet and await my fate... I grabbed the nearest tool and I was ready to fight.

I'm a military spouse and a mother, and I can do anything.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I believe in Child Labor...

Well... only when it benefits me! :P

I noticed the playroom walls were looking a wee bit DISGUSTING so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone!

I handed each kidlet a wet towel and told them to get cleanin'!! I cheered them on, telling them how White they were getting the walls! They had fun, and had NO idea I had tricked them into a chore! Now if only they could do laundry and dishes!!

