Daddy is underway for deployment. To help the girls understand the length of time I adapted Kelsey's version and made it all our own.
This is now hung on our sliding glass door.
Curtis and Kelsey Popp welcomed a beautiful baby Boy, Christian Kenneth Popp on August 23rd, at 6:31am at Castle Medical Center in Kailua, Hawaii. He weighed 7lbs. 13oz. and 19 inches long. After a rushed and complicated delivery mom and baby were separated just minutes after being born.
Just hours later Christian was diagnosed with a congenital heart failure, and will need to be life flighted to Children's Hospital San Diego. Curtis and Kelsey will not be permitted to accompany their son on his first plane ride, at just six days old. They will both take a commercial flight to San Diego where they've been told to expect may be a 6 week stay.
In addition to his loving parents, Christian has two brothers Conner (4yrs), and Cohen (2yrs) and his infant cousin Ethan (6mo). Ethan's father is a hero at work in Afganistan and will remain in the Popps care until his father's return to the US. Conner, Cohen, and Ethan will remain here in Hawaii with their proud Grandpa Jay Kenneth, with whom Christian is named after.
The Popps are hoping to reunite the entire family in San Diego, after Christian is deemed stable following his much needed open heart surgery.Upon their arrival Curtis and Kelsey will take residence at the brand new Ronald McDonald House.
Once the entire Popp family makes it to San Diego new accomidations will be needed, as only four, including baby Christian can be housed at the RM House.
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Donate funds that are directly helping The Popp family and so many others!
But alas, I said extraordinary!
Minutes before we leave the house to begin our adventures I receive a call from Mrs. Le Popp whom informs me that Popplet #1 is feeling much so that he's asking for medicine and declines all previously planned festivities... I'm immediately mentally assaulted of visions of my aforementioned sickness. Time to re plan:
I decide to forget Story Time and instead knock off a few "To Dews" I've got.
So we head out the door, in search of the nearest Sprint Store. My poor Black Berry roller ball is ready to jump ship, and the previously spilled orange juice just isn't holding it together anymore! To my great dismay we walk into the Sprint Store only to find its completely overrun with people. Apparently people in the real world get today off, must be nice!
After waiting 20 minutes to "Check In" I'm told I can leave my phone and return in an hour. Feeling optimistic about our day I cheerfully head to the nearest Ben Franklin's. A quick Craft shopping trip to fill an hour, then off to the park...or so I thought!
As soon as we pull into a parking stall Jordan announces she needs to use the restroom, I think I growled... I know beyond a shadow of a doubt Ben Franklin's doesn't have a public restroom, so I ask where the nearest one is...
"Chuck E Cheese or Mc Donalds"
Seriously? Why not freakin' Disney Land!! I took the obvious choice and led my three ducklings down the street, up a flight of stairs to Mc Donalds. My "chocket melk" lover enthusiastically points out the Play Place just as I see a sign "Restrooms closed for Repairs". I reroute my brood back in the direction to Ben Franklin's with no other option but Chuck E Cheese. In my head I practice my opening lines to the expected door attendants...
'Hi, can we use the restroom... No, we're not paying customers... '
'Hi, GREAT shirt...can my kid use the restroom?'
Swallowing my pride and embarrassment I say nothing to the door attendant who's only care in the world is to stamp my hand with a black light specific hand stamp... (Great, no chance of ditchin' my kids here for a kidless craft shopping trip!) We head off past the flashing, noisy games, my poor kids drooling... After we all ceremoniously wash our hands and make our way to the exit doors I again start preparing my monologue...
'We're leaving now, we're fast huh!'
'HA We got you, we just peed for FREE!!'
I settled on mumbling something about our friend not being there... they didn't even check to see if my black light specific hand stamped matched that of the three kidlets on my heel... Oh well, guess I'll take them home, kinda cute anyways I suppose! ;)
We spent a horrific 45 minutes in Ben Franklin's where I somehow managed to pick out seed beads and pinwheels without breaking the whole store... We head back to Sprint, pick up my fixed Black Berry and head towards the Le Popps to make our delivery!
Once at Le Popp Res we learn that Popplet #1 is feeling MUCH better and ready to play! I unload my gang and head into the house... Ooooooohhh Aaaaahhhh, Air Conditioning! FREE Air Conditioning... I could stay there all day! And we did! The kids played (read playfoughtplayfought) and I covertly ate an entire box of Crunch n Munch, my drug of choice!
At 6pm Mrs. Le Popp and I decide to head towards Waikele Outlets in search of some fabulous July 4th Sales. We started at Oshkosh, put our finds on "hold", headed over to Carter's, back to Oshkosh, and up to The Children's Place.
Its there that I wanted to run for the hills! There was 1/2 dozen "$2.99" clothing racks that needed my attention, but six kidlets and two mama bears leaves lots of room for monkeying around! It still amazes me that the proper authorities weren't alerted! Of two things I'm sure of... Everyone in that store thinks we're horrible moms for letting our precious children run a muck, if they don't already have children they swore they'd never purposely have any(more)!
We left with four HUGE bags of clothes...and our tails between our legs.
My life is nothing short of an adventure! Lions, Tigers and Bears I've not got... but three monkeys with a passion to drive their mama batty I have!!!!
"Wooooooooo saaaaaaaaaaH"