It feels like a lifetime ago that we were a Sub family. I almost forget what its like to say goodbye on the pier even before the sun rises... or what a submariner smells like after even just an hour on the boat. Waaait... No I don't ... I remember that smell!! Its like a skunk rolling in the La Brea Tar Pits and sun bathing on a dairy farm. All that aside, I can still remember what its like to smell that smell and be so happy because it meant my man was home.
In the last three years we have...
- Moved from a one story two bedroom house off of Nimitz Hwy, into a two story three bedroom on the Historic Ford Island.
- Sold the Dodge Neon we brought a baby Jordie home in, it was our first car together.
- Had our second daughter, our "baby Gogo"
- Became unexpected foster parents for six months, and saw the insides of a real life courtroom more times than I'd like to recall.
- Moved from our Ford Island house into a four bedroom house just feet from the now demolished house where we first met.
- I turned a little crunchy... or hippy like Dusty says!
- Hailey got Henry.
- Our son Johey was born...
- And We both lost our maternal grandmothers...
It seems like an eternity and a blink of an eye all at once! I've already convinced Dusty that we just might need a fourth bebe next shore duty and my odds are good... boys talk about babies when they're home sick!
So here's to the next five years...